Most item or brands depending on availability, weight, location, may ship directly from our manufacturers/suppliers/partners warehouse.

Bundled products from different brands may arrive separately on time without extra cost or charge.


We ship to the contiguous 48 US States except Alaska & Hawaii. Some order ships within 24 hours, while some may take longer than our default 1-5 business days due to several conditions including distance, weight, shipping method, weather, stock availability.

Note: Decorly/Rugly rugs ships within 7-10 business days or more. Let us know if you have additional questions

Except an item is out of stock, all orders being processed within and outside our default shipping timeline cannot be cancelled by our customers. Some of our suppliers charge restocking fees ranging from 15-45% for cancellation, returns not related to damaged items upon delivery which will be transferred to the customer should a cancellation, returns not related to damaged items upon delivery be requested.

All orders not in stock at time of order will be placed on back order unless customer specifies otherwise. Orders not in stock may also be cancelled and or refunded. Back orders will automatically be filled as the product becomes available. You will be notified only if your back order has been outstanding for more than (4) weeks.

Warranties - In General

Product warranties are provided by the manufacturer. We administer the individual manufacturer warranty, which may include returning defective products to us, sending products to a factory authorized repair center, or factory direct returns. We must abide by the return policies dictated by our suppliers/manufacturers.

Additional insurance may also be added for additional safety. We recommend X-cover Warranty Insurance at checkout.

We reserve the right to modify the above terms and conditions at any time without notification.